(520) 881-8740

Insurance Information

We accept most major insurance providers, including Medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Humana and many more. If your provider is not listed, just call us and ask, as we cannot list all of our accepted providers here. We may ask you for your insurance when you call to schedule your appointment. By knowing your insurance ahead of time, we can verify your benefits before you arrive. Once we know your plan specifics, we can inform if a referral is needed prior to any visit with us. Please bring your insurance card with you to your appointment, and paperwork can be filled out through the forms online or when you arrive at the clinic.

Medicare Part B Beneficiaries: please note that a referral from your Primary Care Physician is required. If one is not received before your visit, we will be unable to see you and we cannot collect payment from you in lieu of billing your Medicare insurance.

If you have any questions about our services, insurance plans or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, give us a call today!

Better Hearing Starts Here!

5625 E Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85712